Islamic University Admission Merit List
If a candidate’s total merit score becomes the same as more than two, then the Islamic university authority will follow a different way to make the final merit list. In the A unit, the merit list will be prepared according to Physics & Chemistry GST admission test results and SSC &HSC / equivalent GPA grade points. B unit merit list will be made according to Bangla & English GST Admission test results, SSC and HSC GPA grade point based. C unit will follow Accounting and Business management GST admission result and Bangla English SSC & HSC GPA grade point.
How to Check Islamic University Admission Result 2022-23?
- To check your Islamic University admission Result Merit List, applicants should visit the website.
- From the notification panel, download the Islamic university admission 1st merit list PDF File.
- Search your roll from the PDF file merit list.
- Otherwise, log in to the website with the required information to see your detailed result with merit position.
Islamic University Admission Circular 2023
Islamic University Admission Circular 2022-2023 has been released. The IU Admission application process will begin on 10 May 2023. Candidates who have participated in the Islamic University admission test and acquired Pass mark are able to admit in the Islamic University of the 1st-year undergraduate admission program for the academic year 2022-2023. In this article, we are going to provide you detail information about Islamic University Admission Circular, Application procedure, and Results. Read through the full article before you are going to start your application.
The application process with subject preference will be continued till 27 May 2023. The IU Admission test will be held on 2nd week of June 2023. After that, the merit list and subject allotment result will be on June 2023. For applying to the Islamic University, you should know the detailed application procedure and go through the detailed Islamic University admission prospectus from the official website of IU.
Jagannath University Admission Circular 2023-23
Comilla University Admission Circular 2022-23
IU Admission 2023
- Online Application Start- 10 May 2023
- Application Deadline- 27 May 2023
- Application Fee- A Unit (850 TK), B Unit (1050 TK), C Unit (600 TK), D Unit (500 TK)
- IU Admit Card Download- Upcoming
- IU Admission Test- 2nd week of June 2023

Islamic University Admission 2023
The GST clustered System University admission process will be completed in two steps. Firstly, eligible and interested candidates will apply online to their preferable university with a subject choice list and an application fee of BDT 500 TK. Secondly, the selected candidates who placed in the merit list with subject allotment have to confirm their admission to visit physically to the university. Admission confirmation fee BDT 5000 TK and academic papers have to submit in the University for Final Admission.
Students who have passed in the GST clustered system admission test 2022-2023, can admit in the 1st year undergraduate program of Islamic University for 2022-23 academic session. There are total of 7 faculty and 31 departments in the Islamic University. To admit in the IU, candidates should fill up the condition according to departmental requirements. Candidates who have to participate in GST admission from the A unit can apply to the A unit, B unit, and C unit. But B unit and C unit students can only apply to their own units.
There are three Faculties (Science, Engineering & Technology, and Biology) in the A unit, three Faculties (Arts, Social Science, and Law) in the B unit and one Faculty (Business Administration) in the C unit.
Application Qualification and Timeline
Unit, Faculty, and Department wise application condition and qualification has been mentioned in the prospectus which is attached below. Normally who got 30 percent of marks in the GST Admission Test, are allowed to apply for the Islamic University Admission 2022-22.
The GST integrated 22 Universities Admission application has been started from 17 October 2022 at 12.00 pm and will be continued till 27 October 2022 at 11.59 pm. And Application fee can be paid till 28 October 2022 at 11.59 pm.
Application Fee
Islamic University Admission Application is BDT 500 TK total fee with service charge is BDT 506 TK which can be paid through Bkash, Rocket & Nagad mobile banking. However, candidates should pay Practical exam fee of BDT 300 TK (without service charge) for Fine Arts Department. This application fee is same for all the GST clustered university. Candidates have to pay separate fee for each university application.
Application Start | 10 May 2023 |
Application Deadline | 27 May 2023 |
Admit Card Download | |
Admission Test | June 2023 |
Application Fee | BDT 850, 1050, 600 & 500 TK |
Admission Fee |
Islamic University Admission Form 2023
Islamic University Admission application form can be filled up from 17 October 2022at 12.00 pm to 27 October 2022 at 11.59 pm. The IU admission application link can be found in the GST Admission website’s “Apply to Individual University” option. To fill up the IU application form, applicants should login to the website with GST Applicant ID and GST Password.
If anyone forget their Applicant ID and Password, they can recover it from website. Before applying think carefully about your subject preference list. Once you submit your application form you cannot change the subject preference.
How to Fill Up the Islamic University Admission Application Form?
- Firstly, visit the website.
- Login with your GST Applicant ID and GST Password.
- The candidate’s personal information and Eligible subject list will be shown on the next page.
- To apply in the Fine Arts Department or Quota, then select the Checkbox of that (If available).
- Click on the Next Button and you will get your payment id and amount. Confirm your payment through Bkash/ Rocket/ Nagad Mobile Banking and click for subject preference list.
- An OTP code will be sent in your mobile number, after verifying the OTP code you will get the eligible subject list for Islamic University.
- Very carefully select the subject preference list and click on the submit button.
- Then an Acknowledgement slip will be generated and download & print out it for further requirements.
This is how candidates can apply for Islamic University admission 2021-22. It should be noted that they cannot change the subject preference list after final submission. So take time to make decision about subject preference.
How to Recover GST Applicant ID / GST Password?
For many reasons, a number of students lost or forget their GST Applicant ID / GST Password. If you are the same victim, this article portion is for you. It is very common thing that students to forget or lost their GST Applicant ID and Password. Okay, then nothing to be worried about it because candidates can recover their GST Applicant ID and GST Password from the GST admission system website. Let’s follow the steps to get back your GST Applicant ID and GST Password.
- You need to visit the website
- Then Go to the Recover Applicant ID/ Password tab
- Give your HSC/ equivalent Roll Number, Board Name and Passing Year.
- And press on the Submit option.
- On the next page, you will get your GST applicant id and other information.
- After a moment, you will receive a message with your GST Applicant ID and GST Password.
- Reserve it for further necessaries and requirements.
HSC Admission Circular 2022-2023
IU Admission Result 2023
Islamic University Admission result has been proclaimed on the IU’s official website. The merit list of the 1st year undergraduate admission program for the 2021-22 academic year of Islamic University has been published. Candidates who have been assigned to the merit list will be allowed for final admission.
Candidates can download their Islamic university admission merit list PDF file from the website. However, they can also download it from the GST Admission Website-
Islamic University Admission Result 2023
Islamic University admission result merit list will be prepared according to 10 marks for the SSC result, 10 marks for the HSC result, and 100 marks for the GST Admission test result. The merit list will be counted as a total of 120 marks. If more than one candidate gets the same marks in the GST admission test, will get priority in the merit list whose GPA mark is more than others
After publishing the final merit list and subject allotment result, selected candidates will be called for taking final admission to physically go to the Islamic University. The Islamic university admission result will be published very soon. Whenever the university authority publishes the result we will update the in this article. The merit list will be published on Islamic University’s official website as well as the GST admission system website.