The Revised Primary Scholarship Result 2024 has been declared on 1st March 2024. The Primary Scholarship Result PDF can be downloaded from website. DPE Primary Scholarship examination was held on 30th December 2023. Students are very excited for releasing their DPE scholarship result. Though the PSC result 2023 class five scholarship result was published on 28th February 2024, it has postponed due to technical problem. Class 5 scholarship result has published in PDF format. Students should download their district wise DPE primary scholarship result PDF and Search their Roll number on the dpe merit list.
PSC Scholarship Result 2024 (All district) PDF has published today. It can download from www dpe gov bd website. Primary scholarship exam was organized on 30th December 2023. About 6 lakhs students participated in the DPE scholarship examination. Directorate of Primary Education will provide scholarship to 82,500 students. There are total two type scholarship will be given to the students- Talent pool Scholarship and General Scholarship.
Primary Scholarship Result 2024
Revised PSC Primary Scholarship Result has published today. A total of 82 thousand 500 students will get primary scholarship. The number of 33,000 talent pool scholarship and 49, 500 general scholarship will be given to among them. Talent pool scholarship student will get BDT 300 TK and general scholarship student will get BDT 225 TK per month.
Primary scholarship www dpe gov bd result has released by the Directorate of Primary and Public Education. A huge number of students appeared on the examination. All education Board PSC scholarship result published and students can download district wise result PDF.
Class 5 Scholarship Result PDF
Students and guardians are eagerly looking for Primary Scholarship DPE result. To check the result ,students need their PSC scholarship Roll number. After downloading the district/board wise result PDF from website and search your roll number on the PDF file.
It is very competitive exam. Though a huge number of students appeared on the exam , only 82, 500 students will get scholarship. Let’s get the instruction about result checking process.
How to get Primary Scholarship Result ?
After 13 years, the primary school scholarship examination was held on 30th December 2023. Scholarship result published in PDF version, Students can download primary scholarship merit list from dpe gov bd website.
- First of all, you need to visit website
- Go to the Notice section
- You will find Primary Scholarship Result 2024
- Download the PDF file
- Search your roll number on the merit list
Primary Scholarship Result PDF Download
In this post we going to attach PSC scholarship result PDF. Students who have got talent pool scholarship, will get 300 Tk per month from Directorate of Primary & Public Education. Moreover, students who have got general scholarship will get 225 TK per month. Talent pool grade students get more facilities than general grade students.
Primary scholarship will be distributed among 82, 500 students. Class 5 PSC scholarship result is now available on the PDF version. Instantly students cannot check their individual result. But they check their result by downloading the primary DPE scholarship result PDF. On the merit list students can see the selected candidates roll number who have got scholarship. Among them 33, 000 will get talent pool and 49, 500 will get general scholarship.
All District PSC Scholarship Result 2023 | PDF Download |
PSC Scholarship Result 2023 by Online
Students can check their single scholarship result by using their PSC roll number and Student ID from the official website of DPE Directorate of Primary Education. However, Students also can check their school based result from this website. In this portion, we are going to describe the single result and school based result checking process. So read the steps attentively –

DPE Scholarship Result Check 2024
Class Five scholarship result 2024 has published today. Primary Bitti result is bow available on the official website of directorate of primary education. Students can find their detail subject-wise marksheet from the website. The Primary scholarship exam was held on in Bangla, English, Mathematics and Science subjects. To get your details scholarship result, follow the steps below-
- Visit the Link-Click here
- Select- Result according to roll
- Select- exam name
- Select- exam year
- Select- Division, District
- Select- Upazila/thana
- Type your Roll
- Click on Submit option
Primary Scholarship Result by Student ID
There are another way to check individual result with detail marksheet by using student id. You have 16 digit student id number. you can check your scholarship result by login to the website with this student id.
- Visit the website link
- Select- result according to student id
- Type your Student Id number
- Enter 16 digit Student Id number
- Click submit button
School Based PSC Result 2023
If you want to check your school wise result, you can check from here. Class 5 scholarship result has released. Follow the instruction to get your school based PSC result-
- Visit the Result Website link
- Select- School Based Result
- Select- exam name
- Select- exam year 2022
- Select- Division, District
- Select- Upazila/thana and ward/ union name
- Select School type and school Name
- Click on Submit option
DPE Primary Scholarship Result by SMS
If you face any problem to check the result through online, there are alternative way to check result via SMS. Send the SMS to 16222 number from any mobile operator. Go to your mobile message option. Write the message- DPE<space>Upazilla/Thana Code <space> Roll Number <space> Year and send it to 16222 number.