If you are looking for a BTEB Admission Result here and there, you can focus here to get your desired data from this post. The Govt Diploma Polytechnic Admission Result 2024-25 has been released by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board. Students can apply for Diploma Admission (Govt and Non-Govt) from btebadmisssion gov bd website. Follow our instructions to get details about the BTEB Polytechnic Admission 2024.
Important Dates
- Online Application (1st Phase): 26 May – 25 June 2024
- Result Publication (1st Phase): 01 July 2024
- Admission Confirmation Date (1st Phase): 01 July – 05 July 2024
- Online Application (2nd Phase): 09 July – 11 July 2024
- Result Publication (2nd Phase): 15 July 2024
- Admission Confirmation (2nd Phase): 15 July – 18 July 2024
- Online Application (3rd Phase): 22 July – 25 July 2024
- Result Publication (3rd Phase): 29 July 2024
- Admission Confirmation (3rd Phase): 29 July – 31 July 2024
- Physically Final Admission: 11 August – 20 August 2024
Polytechnic Diploma Admission Result
Polytechnic Admission Result 2024 has been announced on 1st July 2024. Diploma Engineering result 1st merit list has been released on the Bangladesh Technical Education Board’s official btebadmission.gov.bd website. Polytechnic Diploma Engineering 1st year Admission result for the academic year 2024-25 has been published. Selected candidates should fill up the online application form for Polytechnic Admission 2024-25. The online application was activated on May 26, 2024 and it was gone ahead till June 25, 2024.
We are going to supply you Polytechnic Diploma Engineering admission result (1st merit list), admission circular, application procedure by this article. So go through the full article to get detailed information about Polytechnic Admission 2024-2025.
XI Class Admission Result 2024 1st Merit list
Polytechnic Admission Result 2024
Polytechnic Diploma Admission result 1st merit list has been published on 1 July 2024. The polytechnic BTEB admission result 2024 can be found on the BTEB’s admission website –btebadmission.gov.bd or official website- bteb.gov.bd. Besides, the result will be notified to the selected candidates by SMS. Candidates who have got chance in the 1st merit list, should confirm their admission with registration fee within the scheduled dates (01 July 2024 – 05 July 2024). They can pay their admission confirmation fee from the official website of BTEB.
Whenever the Bangladesh Technical Education Board announces any notice about the Polytechnic Diploma Admission Result, we will update you here. So keep tuned with us.
Polytechnic Admission Confirmation
Candidates who have been placed on the 1st merit list should confirm their admission within the scheduled time. Otherwise, the seat will be covered from the waiting list. Selected candidates have to fill up the admission form on the BTEB admission website and take ta final admission from the selected college with submitting the required academic papers and admission fee.
1st Phase Admission Confirmation | 1-5 July 2024 |
2nd Phase Admission Confirmation | 15-18 July 2024 |
3rd Phase Admission Confirmation | 29-31 July 2024 |
Final Admission Date | 11-20 August 2024 |
BTEB Admission Result Link
- First of all, visit the btebadmission.gov.bd website
- Tap your applied diploma program
- Go to Result option
- write your SSC roll number
- Choose the education board and passing year
- press the Next button
- Finally see your result
Polytechnic Admission Merit List
The Polytechnic Diploma Admission merit list will be prepared base on SSC / Equivalent exam GPA grade point. Candidates who will get a chance on merit list, they will be select for final admission. If candidates do not admit after getting selected on the merit list, the empty seat will be filled up from waiting list.
The Polytechnic Diploma Admission 1st merit list is now available on the btebadmission.gov.bd website. Click here to overlook the merit list.
Polytechnic Diploma Migration Result
Polytechnic Admission migration result will be released with the Polytechnic Diploma Admission 2nd merit list result. Candidates who were selected on the 1st merit list with the Diploma course but do not satisfy with the Diploma program should turn on the migration option while filling up the final admission form. The migration result will be found on the bteb’s admission website.
Polytechnic Admission Waiting list
Bangladesh Technical Education Board will be made a polytechnic admission waiting list along with the merit list. The admission process will be continued on the scheduled dates. If selected candidates do not admit on the fixed time, the empty seat will be fill up from waiting list. Authority will call the students from waiting list to take the admission. This is how the 2nd and 3rd merit list will published.
Polytechnic Admission Circular 2024-2025
Govt Polytechnic Diploma Engineering admission circular 2024-25 has been declared. Bangladesh Technical Education Board invites the students to be admitted to a four-year Diploma Engineering course. Students don’t need to participate in any admission test to be admitted to the Polytechnic Diploma Engineering Course. There are a total of 10 Govt programs and 5 Non-Govt programs in polytechnic diploma admission.
Eligible and interested candidates should fill up the online application form for Polytechnic Admission 2024-25. The online application was activated on 26 May 2024 and will go ahead until 25 June 2024. Candidates who have passed in the SSC/ Equivalent Exam 2024 can apply for Polytechnic Admission 2024-25. However, they should have minimum qualifications for filling up the application form. The polytechnic admission will be held in 1st shift and 2nd shift. If candidates want to apply in both shifts, they should pay application fees for both shifts.
Application Eligibilities
Govt Program | Private Program |
Diploma in Engineering Diploma in Marine Engineering Diploma in Textile Engineering Diploma in Agriculture Diploma in Fisheries Diploma in Forestry Diploma in Livestock HSC-VOC (Vocational) HSC-BMT (Business Management and Technology) Certificate in Marine Trade | Diploma in Engineering Diploma in Textile Engineering Diploma in Agriculture Diploma in Forestry HSC-BMT (Business Management and Technology) |
To apply for Polytechnic Diploma Engineering Admission 2024-25, there are some requirements to judge the applicants qualification. The online application fee of BDT 160 TK should be paid to confirm the Polytechnic Admission Application. Let’s see the qualification for Polytechnic Diploma Engineering Admission.
- Candidates who have passed the SSC Examination in 2021, 2022, and 2023 are eligible for the Polytechnic Admission application.
- A minimum GPA of 3.00 should be in Mathematics along with a total GPA of 3.50 in the SSC/ Equivalent Examination.
- Candidates who have passed from two-year grade course of Technical Education Board.
If a candidate can carry all of these qualifications can be allowed to apply in Polytechnic Admission 2024.

Polytechnic Admission Form
After publishing the SSC Result 2024, most of the candidates looking for applying to the Polytechnic Diploma Admission. Candidates should visit Bangladesh Technical Education Board’s admission website- btebadmission.gov.bd to fill up the Polytechnic admission application form. The online application form only can be found on the BTEB’s admission website.
Candidates can fill up the application form from 26 June 2024-25 July 2024. Before applying to the Polytechnic Diploma admission, applicants should read the full prospectus and application guidelines very carefully.
How to Apply for Polytechnic Admission 2024-25
Interested Candidates should fill up online application form for 1st shift or 2nd shift with application fee of BDT 160 TK. If any applicants want to apply for both shifts, they should pay individual application fee for each shifts in total of BDT 320 TK. Before starting of online application, applicants should pay the application fee through teletalk prepaid SIM/ Rocket/ Bkash Mobile banking.
- To fill up the application form applicants have to visit the btebadmission.gov.bd website.
- Go to the Apply Now option.
- In the 1st step- Applicants will get an Application Form, and they should provide their SSC / Equivalent exam result and all the required information.
- In the 2nd step- If already candidates pay their application fee, they will get a transaction code. After verify the code, applicants can go to the next step.
- In the 3rd step- Upload your photo in JPEG format (120X150 pixel).
- On the 4th step- Shift wise candidate can select maximum 15 polytechnic colleges and they can change their choice list if they want.
- After submitting the application form, candidates can see their all the information on the Acknowledgement slip.
- Applicants will receive a message with Applicant ID and PIN Number.
- Reserve the Applicant ID and PIN number for further admission formalities
[N.B. However, applicants should pay the application fee before applying.]
How to Pay the Application Fee?
Applicants can pay their application fee through Teletalk/Rocket/Bkash mobile banking. They can apply for both shifts. But candidates have to pay separate application fee for 1st shift and 2nd shift.
Application Fee = BDT 160 Tk (One Shift)
Application Fee = BDT 320 TK (Both Shifts)
Application fee Payment through Teletalk SMS:
- Go to the Messaging option and
- Type 1st SMS – BTAD<space>Board Name’s 1st three letters<space>SSC Roll Number<space>SSC Passing Year<space>Shift
- Send this message to the 16222 number.
- If the applicants are eligible for application, they will get a return SMS with their personal information, shifts, and application fee amount.
- Send the 2nd SMS – BTAD<space>YES<space>PIN<space>Contact Mobile Number to the 16222 number.
- If applicants apply for one shift, the authority will cut BDT 160 TK and for both shifts will cut BDT 320 TK from the teletalk account.
- Applicants will get a confirmation SMS with Money Recipient Code and it should be reserved and start the online application.
Besides candidates can pay the application fee through Rocket and Bkash mobile banking.
Board Name Shortcode:
Serial | Board Name | SMS Short Code |
1. | Dhaka Board | DHA |
2. | Comilla Board | COM |
3. | Rajshahi Board | RAJ |
4. | Chittagong Board | CHI |
5. | Jessore Board | JES |
6. | Sylhet Board | SYL |
7. | Barisal Board | BAR |
8. | Dinajpur Board | DIN |
9. | Mymensingh Board | MYM |
10. | Madrassah Board | MAD |
11. | Technical Board | TEC |