NU Masters Preliminary Result 2024 | nu ac bd results

National University’s students are eagerly waiting for the release of their Masters Preliminary Result 2024. The Preliminary to Masters result 2024 has been announced on 25 January 2024 at 8.00 pm. Masters Part-1 Result is now available on the National University’s official result archive website. Students are very anxious to know the NU Masters Preli Result. The result can be checked via SMS and Online.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at all the latest updates regarding the NU Masters result in 2024, including information on when, where and how to check your masters preliminary result, as well as tips on what to do if you’re not satisfied with your marks.


Masters Preliminary Result 2024

Recently National University Authority published a notice for the Masters Part-1 preliminary result. A total of 70 thousand 316 students (70, 316) has participated on the masters preliminary exam. However, the pass rate of the nu preliminary to masters is very alarming 40.20 percent. The Masters result has released for regular, irregular and improver students. Masters preli result marksheet can check by login to the website with roll and registration number. Moreover, students can send a short message to 16222 number to get their Masters 1st year result CGPA.

masters preliminary result

NU Masters Preli Result

Preliminary to masters result 2024 has been declared on 25 January 2024. After completing the masters exam, NU authority takes all about 3 months to publish the nu mastres result. Every year a big quantity of students appear on the preliminary exam. As the nu preliminary result has published, now students wondering on the internet to know the process of masters result checking. Here we are giving you the all accurate information about nu masters result bd. If you follow our instruction step by step, you definitely can find your preliminary result within a very short time.

How to Check Masters Preliminary Exam Result?

Masters part one exam result has released on today at 09.00 pm. It can get by sending an SMS 16222 number from 9.00 pm and masters preliminary marksheet will be available on the website at 9.00 pm. To see your detailed masters 1st year result marksheet, we suggest you to check your nu preli result by login to the online website. In this post we going to attach your masters preliminary marksheet download link and detailed process. So stay tuned with Result News 24 where you will get all the results, circular,s and notice of the National University.

Degree 3rd Year Result 2023- Check Now

Masters Preli Result by Online

  • To get your Masters preliminary result visit the NU’s official result archive website-
  • Click Masters tab and select Masters preli option
  • Click here to Check Masters Preli Result
  • Type your exam roll and registration
  • Select exam year
  • Enter the security code
  • Finally press the search result button to see your masters Preli marksheet

NU Masters Preli Resut by SMS

If you face any trouble checking your results by online website, you can skip and try with SMS. Sometimes webpage take long time to load due to over traffic. After several time you will be able to check your by login to the website. Now follow the SMS methods-

Write the message : NU<space>MP<space>Roll number and send it to 16222 number.

Where can I check my Masters result 2024?

Once the results are released, students will be able to check their marks on the official website of the national university. Masters preli result is now available on the www nu ac bd results website.

It is important to note that results will not be available on any other websites or platforms, so students are advised to only check their marks on the official website of their respective university or college.

Masters Re-scrutiny Process

If you’re not happy with your marks, there are a few steps you can take to recently the situation. The first thing you should do is speak with your teacher or lecturer. They will be able to provide you with more information on how you performed in the examination and may be able to give you some advice on how to improve in the future.

If you still feel that your marks are not accurate, you can also consider requesting a re-evaluation of your papers. This process involves having your papers re-marked by a different teacher, and can be requested by paying a small fee.

It’s also important to remember that your nu masters result is not the be-all and end-all of your academic career. Even if you’re not happy with your marks, there are still plenty of opportunities to continue your studies and improve your skills.

In conclusion, the masters result 2024 (Preliminary) is released on January 25, 2024. Students can check their marks on the official website of their respective university or college. If you’re not happy with your marks, speak with your teacher or lecturer for more information and consider requesting a re-evaluation. Remember that your masters result is not the end of your academic journey, and there are still plenty of opportunities to continue your studies and improve your skills.