DSS Result 2022 has been announced on 31 October 2022. The Department of Social Service job examination Result is now available on the www dss.gov.bd website. The DSS result can be downloaded from the dss.gov.bd website as a PDF version. Besides, the Department of Social Service results can be known through SMS. A total of 5178 candidates passed the union somaj kormi DSS written test.
The social service written job examination was held on 21 October 2022. Candidates who have been selected in the DSS written test will be called for the viva exam. After a few days of the DSS result publication, the interview/ viva exam date will be announced very soon. Candidates who will be finally selected in the viva exam can get the Job in the Department of Social Service Sector.
If are you looking for DSS Result PDF 2022, you are absolutely in the right place. We are going to explain how to check your DSS Result and download the PDF, Viva Exam Date and DSS viva result in detail. To download your DSS result you should browse the dss.gov.bd website. So, go through the full article to get detailed information and a clear concept about the Department of Social Service result 2022 and the Department of Social Service job sector.
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DSS Result 2022
Today the DSS written test result has been published. Though A total of 6 lakh 62 thousand 270 (6, 62,270) candidates applied for the Social Service job examination, only 2 lakh 36 thousand 641 candidates participated in the DSS written test. The attendance rate was 35.73% percent. The DSS examination was held on 21 October 2022 altogether in 64 districts in the 877 exam centers all over the country. The DSS written exam has started at 10.00 am and finished at 11.30 am, the total written exam duration was 1 hour 30 minutes.
The social service job written exam result is now available on the dss.tetelak.com.bd website. Those who have passed in the written test will be allowed for an interview. From the viva test, DSS authority will finally select a specific number of candidates for the post. Finally selected candidates will be notified by SMS to their mobile phones.

How to Check DSS Result 2022?
The DSS written job exam result will be sent to the participant’s mobile number via SMS. Sometimes it can be delayed to send the result message. So you can get your result by login in to the website. Now, let’s follow the instruction and guidelines to check your result. Besides, you can download your DSS result PDF from the dss.gov.bd website.
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- Firstly, Visit dss.gov.bd website
- Then go to the notice board.
- Download the DSS Union Somaj Kormi Result 2022
- Search your result with your roll number from the DSS result PDF sheet. When the DSS result will be published, we will update the result link.
This is how you can download your result sheet. Hope that by following these steps you have already checked your result. If you face any trouble to check your DSS exam result, you can inform us. As soon as possible we will respond to solve your problem.
Union Somaj Kormi DSS Result 2022
Social Service is one of the famous government institutions in Bangladesh. Every year it hires a great number of employees/ manpower to maintain all the projects of social service department. So it is a big opportunity for unemployed and young people to get a government job. Though it is very difficult to get a job in this competitive world, the Social service department gives a good opportunity for all the job-seeker.
All the candidates who have appeared on the Department of Social Service written job examination are now eagerly waiting for their results. The most common question is when the DSS result will publish and how to check the DSS written job exam result. If you are looking for your DSS exam result, you are on the right way to have your result. Department of social service written job exam results 2022 has been released on ( ) October 2022.
DSS Result 2022 Download PDF
Today DSS Result has been published. Candidates easily can download their result by logging to the dss.gov.bd website with their user id and password. If they forget their user id or password, they can recover it from the recovery menu option. Passed candidates will be called for the viva exam very soon. So, it is a suggestion to the selected candidates that prepare themselves for the next interview.
If you have confidence, good dress up and manner, 50% percent mark you can easily get. And other 50% mark will depend on your skill of instant intellectual answering to the question. So be prepared for the viva exam. The viva exam date will be announced very soon. When the DSS authority will publish any update notice, we will inform you by this article. To get all the updates about the DSS viva exam, government and non-government job circular, admit cards and results, you can follow us. Besides, you can bookmark our ResultNews24.Com web page to notify you about all the job news updates.
Social Service is a popular government organization in Bangladesh. In this sector need a lot of employees to manage all the project works. DSS authority hires qualified employees for various posts. This year the total number of applicants was 6 lakh 62 thousand 270 for the ( ) post. Candidates participate in the DSS examination from 64 districts over all the country. The exam was held on the same date and time altogether 64 districts.
Result Date | Link | |
DSS Written/MCQ Result | 31 October 2022 | Click Here |
DSS Viva Result | Click Here |
DSS Union Somaj Kormi Result 2022 Published
A total of ( ) candidates have passed in the Department of Social Service job examination. Very soon the selected candidates will be called for an interview. Authority will declare the viva test date on its official website. We will update the viva date in this article. However, the candidates also can check their viva exam result from our website.
DSS Admit Card 2022 Download PDF
DSS Admit Card 2022 already has been released. Candidates can download their DSS admit card from 16 October 2022 to 20 October 2022. To download the DSS admit card candidates have to visit the http://admit.dss.gov.bd link. They can log in to the website with their user id & password or SSC roll, board name, and passing year. After downloading the DSS admit card, candidates should print out it on A4 size paper. Without the admit card, they cannot participate the DSS examination. As soon as possible download the DSS admit card within the scheduled date.
How to Recover User ID and Password?
It is a common problem that forgetting the user id and password. Nothing to be worried about that. You can recover your user id and password from the dss.gov.bd website. You just need to follow some steps to get back your user id and password.