Today 22 February 2024, National University is going to publish Degree 3rd Year Result 2025 on their official result archive website. The degree 3rd year final CGPA result will be available to the website from 08.00 pm. If you have participated in the Degree 3rd year examination for academic session 2018-19, you may be waiting for your degree final year result. Students can get their degree result via online websites and SMS with a roll or registration numbers.
58.70 % of Students have passed in the Degree 3rd year final exam. A total of 1 lakh 39 thousand 123 candidates (1,39,123) were attended in the degree 3rd year final examination. The degree final result has been released for regular, irregular and improvement students. the examination were held under 711 exam centers and 1873 colleges.
Through this article we are going to clarify the NU Degree 3rd year result checking process and all the necessary information about it. Candidates can download their degree 3rd year result with marksheet PDF. So cling with the post and go below to get your Degree 3rd year result link.
Degree 3rd Year Result Published Date
The most common asked and trendy question is “When Degree (pass) 3rd year CGPA result will be published? / What is the Degree 3rd year result published date?” Basically, National University publishes their result within 90 days/ 3 months after completing the examination. In that sense, we can say that the degree final year result has been published on 22 February 2024. As the Degree (pass) 3rd year final examination was finished on 30 October 2023, which was started on 06 September 2023.
Whenever the NU authority publishes any notice about degree final result, we will update the notice to this post. Students can keep eyes on the notice board of the National University’s official website. Moreover, candidates can get all the updated news, circular, notice, results of national university from Result News 24 website. So stay connected with us and bookmark our webpage so that easily you can get updates.

Degree Final Year Result 2025
NU Degree Final Year result has been published on February 22, 2024 at 8.00 pm. The degree final result has been released for regular 2018-19 session and improvement / irregular 2017-18 session. National universities consist degree (pass) program in three part- Degree 1st year, Degree 2nd Year, and Degree 3rd Year. Nu authority offers BA, BSS, BBS etc courses in this degree (pass) program.
Finally, degree third year result has been declared by the NU authority on their official website. Candidates can check their nu Degree 3rd year result with CGPA. Students should login nu result archive website to download subject wise degree third year result with marksheet pdf. Degree cgpa result also can be known by sending an SMS to the 16222 number.
Degree 3rd Year Result 2019-20 Session
Are you looking for NU Degree 3rd year exam result 2018-19 session? You are on the absolute place. Here we are going to provide you degree third year exam result marksheet with CGPA. Most of the students don’t know how to get degree result and what are the degree pass mark? Read the below portion to know the result-checking process.
Degree final year exam was held on 06 September 2024 to 30 October 2024. A huge number of candidates attend to the examination. Now all of them eagerly waiting for their results to be published.

How Can I Check NU Degree 3rd Year Result?
As you know, degree result has been already published. A total of 1,63,227 candidates participated in the Degree (pass) 3 year Exam. The pass rate is ( ). Result can be checked by two different ways- online and SMS. We suggest you check your result by online website. Degree 3r year result PDF download is very simple. Follow the steps to get your Degree final year results marksheet.
- First off all, Candidate should visit website
- Choose your Degree program
- Select Third Year
- Provide your Roll and Registration number
- Type the exam year
- Enter the security code
- Finally click on the search result button
- On the next page you will get your desire result
How Can I Get Degree 3rd Year Result by SMS?
Degree result can be checked Via SMS. But candidate should know the right SMS format to get their result. It is very easy and time saving process while online takes a long time due to over-traffic load. SMS can be sent from any mobile operator. Follow the SMS pattern to get your result.
NU<space>DEG<space>Roll and send this message to 16222 number.
Degree 3rd Year Re-scrutiny Result 2025
We try our best to provide you all the accurate process and result link with required guidelines. Hopefully, you can find your result easily by following these process. If you are not satisfied with your result, you can apply for rescrutiny. However, Nu authority publish the degree result re scrutiny application notice very soon. Students have to pay separate fee for each subject recheck.